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I'll be somewhat out of commission from Monday to Wednesday due to personal health reasons... but... I'll share what's coming in the next patch: at least 12 scenes... I'll try to make them... double scenes...(24) let's see how it goes, you know, adding dynamism... I'm not proud of today's patch, but I emphasize... it's because I'm struggling even to write this... these scenes will be... I'll try to make it so our character can "escape." When I say "escape," I mean if you've played in this patch, you have like 2 options that lead to something, and another that basically lets you flee... I'm not sure if I'll make the scenes random and give you that chance to escape or we'll see. I'd like to do them like in the backyard with the black guys. Why there will be this patch, as I've said... I'm not proud of this week... and I want it to be a big patch in terms of... Tyron starting to show up... or at least the tattoo room... because looking at the votes, cross sissy is going to win in both... although in second position there's m/m sub... as I always say... I try to do the top 2 voted to make everyone happy and row together as I said if cross sissy were to surge I'd try to make a lot of progress towards a new character etc, and the chemical lab too. I'd also like to add the head of security and the warden... but we'll see. And that's it... next week is going to be busy... and thank you for supporting me in this project. About the other... I have the logo, a lot of images, and I'm looking at many CSS styles to make it visually more attractive. It will come out when it can... this small injury... right now, as I write this, my arm is falling asleep and it's quite uncomfortable... but I promise you, this... won't stop me. I've seen The Punisher, damn it... I'm digressing, and my jokes.. XD And nothing more, as always next week SAVES won't work because there will be a big leap in terms of hidden variables... especially regarding Sasha, the bald man, and Vito's minions... that makes 3 variables... and nothing, a big hug and... I'll most likely give a sign of life by Wednesday night and... nothing, if you join the Discord, I'll respond when I can. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT, LOVE YOU ALL :D



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