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  • M/m sub 41
  • Cross/sissy 90
  • More locations/secondary characters 5
  • Dominant Route 9
  • Surprise us red artist 2
  • 2024-02-02
  • 147 votes
{'title': 'GLOBAL SURVEY', 'choices': [{'text': 'M/m sub', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Cross/sissy', 'votes': 90}, {'text': 'More locations/secondary characters', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Dominant Route', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Surprise us red artist', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 8, 42, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 147}


Hello, I hope you liked January. As you might have noticed, I made a mix of votes here resulting in m/m sub and cross sissy simultaneously... and on the other side, the outcome was very similar, so I did a little hybrid. I think it wasn't bad, but getting back to the main topic as I mentioned in the previous post... if cross sissy comes out here... and in the global poll... we'll go more for shemale content and towards 100% femininity and towards the chemist and the warden. Otherwise, we'll continue... orbiting around climbing up to the character's final downfall, which I also don't see as a bad thing because, as you see, I think... more activities etc., come out... If m/m sub continues, we will continue as this month and I will... gradually introduce characters... this month I think we definitely need to start... putting in the tattoo parlor... I anticipate it would appear once a week... or something like the therapist and it would be useful in both routes... but mainly what I have in mind... from what you are seeing is that... Tyron, the leader, finally comes out... and if this continues... the leader of the other faction is missing... it's quite noticeable because of the shaved man, right? So what do we have then...? 1 m/m sub... 2... cross/sissy... 3... more locations/secondary characters (it would be like what I did for the mission?¿? which I think went very well, I mean the old librarian's mission) 4 DOMINANT ROUTE (with this I mean to expand more... the other section... if this comes out obviously m/m Dom comes and maybe, maybe feminize other characters as you have seen with the nerd if you've played this route) and the last option as always is 5 SURPRISE US RED ARTIST... Then what more... do I have to mention here... despite the injury I unfortunately suffered in the shoulder... I continue to make progress on the other game tweaking the script and I'm even making a logo... that will appear sooner or later in both games... before the start or on the sidebar... then it's very likely that I'll add a background to the style of the sidebar... and tweak the bars a bit... but I don't know... and nothing more... I want to thank you very much for continuing to support me and well... those are the options I hope you stay with me this February :D


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