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Hello dear Patreons, followers, fans, friends, etc. Well, this Saturday, as usual, the patch 0.36A will be released, and with this patch, I'm going to try to... I've been following various forums, and I realize that some people are having difficulty unlocking the stepfather, poker, etc., with the Chef. What I planned to do to solve this and add more dynamism... well... first, our dear jackal will obviously have his own set of scenes and his own cell... I've been thinking about this... and I covered my back by creating a variable that is intoxication, so you can imagine that... the jackal's arc will be something like... trying to bring you to a world of "fun" you already know what I mean... this is an idea I've been considering for several patches so that you can access scenes with the chef, unlock poker, etc., sooner... then other general ideas that are there... I've left Sasha aside... and he's not reacting to the character's femininity, it's another open window... and as you are there are more... PS: Diego in the dom route has no interaction, the passage is open like this, maybe I'll put some message and the option to go back. Returning to the sub cross/sissy route... the "girls" in the courtyard are abandoned, and I would like to add some random scene with them... and several introductions of characters... but these are "ideas, plans, etc." for future patches if we continue this route... I need to add more locations... and more characters... it's most likely... that in the coming weeks I'll be developing more content for Ismael, the Nerd, and as I said, the Jackal because... in the future, I have to introduce the chemist... and make interactions in that lab but to be able to access there... I also have to go through the old librarian... I think I'm expanding too much and rambling hahah but why do I do this... because I want you to see... that there is still a lot of map to access and many options... the therapist also needs to be expanded as well as the route of the black men... and introduce their leader... so... there is still a long way to go and a lot of content... but well, what I can say about this week's patch is that I'll try to make it similar to last week's but trying to gradually move towards these ideas to try to connect everything... this week what I'll try... is to have text variations with the nerd in his upcoming events... and that's what I was going to ask... I don't know if you like... that I make so many changes of images... I mean, in the scenes with Ismael... they give more work, yes... they also give more variety... do you like it... I think so... the downside... the game takes up more space... but well, back to the point... plans for this week -> Expand the nerd route lowering intelligence, making variations of scenes similar to those of Ismael last week... and I'll try... to expand either Ismael's route... or the Jackal's... to add fluidity to the chef's route... I don't know... if changing the stepfather event... making it jump automatically... to that scene... I can invent something... mainly so that you can access the content... because I think it's already understood that the character is well... falling into a submissive spiral... so I think there wouldn't be a problem... and what else to say that's it... and I'll try to reach the 8 scenes if my family allows it, you'll forgive me hehe with love the red artist ^^ :D



Well, I've already created the four scenes in Ismael's cell, which are random and repetitive. They serve to increase the player's intoxication/addiction level and to unlock the Jackal's cell, which hasn't been introduced in this patch, just in case. What can you expect? Twenty new gifs, six of which I created from scratch. Guess which ones they are, hehe. I'll give you the solution when you smoke with the Jackal and when you go partying hard, hehehe. What can you expect tomorrow? I'll create two more random events with the Nerd, with changing text, and they will be placed in the same option as in the last patch.


Good for now, 25 new gifs, of which 6 are created by me. Events in Ismael's cell - once you've had the first event with Jackal of the chest and seen its corresponding description in your cell, they will be unlocked in the morning in Ismael's cell. After this, there are 4 random and repetitive events in which the player's addiction increases - it's a hidden variable. There you go... With these events, Jackal's cell will be unlocked; it will appear in the afternoon, but I repeat, it hasn't been created yet. It's for the next patch with its corresponding events. For tomorrow... I repeat, I will create the 2 events for the nerd with changes, and I might also edit the previous ones to make them different. I hope I have time. And now I'm going to judo, then to the hospital, but you'll have the patch tomorrow for sure, and I hope you love it. I'm happy because I can now create my own gifs, so I won't depend on adapting them to the scene as much. This way, I'll be able to create many more scenes, hehe :D.