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What can you expect from tomorrow's update? Well, another 4 Dom m/m events that I'm working on regarding the nerd, and let's say they're going to expose him a bit more... in the backyard... and humiliate him a bit. I hope you like it. Today, Friday, I'm working on it. Tomorrow, I'll create 4 cross-sissy events, and considering how the votes are going, I'll have to "study" more domination methods because it seems like this month will require taking the sissy level to another level.

Apart from this, I'll try to create a guide for all possible scenes to date with all characters and random events. What else to add? Tomorrow or at the latest on Sunday, you'll have the update with a guide. Honestly, it excites me to say that it's been about 4 months of development, and being just one person, fulfilling what comes out in the surveys... it makes me smile, hehe. Sorry for getting sentimental. Also, I'll gradually learn a bit more about programming for the future. Additionally, I'll start having some time to study graphic design and such. I like it, hehe. Maybe I'll surprise you completely in the end. ^^



The 4 Dom events for the nerd have been successfully completed. These include 12 new gifs—4 random events that take place within his cell. Once you've dominated the nerd about 10 times between library and cell events, these humiliation events trigger. If you continue down the nerd's path, he will face further humiliation, a decrease in intelligence, and then the story will branch into 2 possible outcomes for the nerd. What's left for me to do is to create the 4 cross events and the step-by-step guide. I hope to have everything ready by midnight today. However, due to personal reasons—my family member fell down the stairs, if I'm unable to upload it today, you can expect it by tomorrow morning. I apologize for any inconvenience. I will continue to update the patch status here. In a couple of hours, I will share what I have accomplished


Well, I've added 2 more scenes; in the Ismael scene, they are in the same event as the previous one, and I'll add 1 more. These events help raise femininity up to 50. You might wonder why. Well, it's to add more dynamism and variety. Being in the same random events gives you about 6 random events per day, providing variation. It won't always be the same, and I like that. I have one more scene to go, making it a total of 3. I'm not sure if I'll have time to create the scene guide due to my cousin falling down the stairs. I apologize for the latter.