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Hello dear Patreons, how's it going? Sorry for being out of action these days, but here we are, hehe. What were the results of this week's survey? With 53% for the old librarian/nerd, 32% for continuing with the therapist, and 16% for events with hidden stats. Well, what does this mean? Tomorrow, there will be 4 cross-sissy events with the chef, nerd, and old librarian. I'll likely create 2 scenes with the therapist and a couple of scenes with the librarian and nerd. This implies that I'll probably create a combination of 4-6 scenes at the very least with the chef, nerd, or old librarian, and 2 with the therapist. I also have to mention one thing, I might throw in a small surprise, but no promises. Tomorrow, you'll get the patch or at the latest, on Saturday, as usual. What can I say, 3 months of development, and here we are. I hope you're enjoying it. I'm doing what I can, and I believe that with each passing day, this is growing bit by bit. The content we have right now is incredibly valuable. This weekend, I'll put up the survey with higher value options for the top-tier Patreons, and I'll put up a survey for everyone. In both surveys, there will be one common option, which is starting the dominant route, just in case. As for the other options, I have to choose carefully because if the cross-sissy route comes up again, I'm giving you a heads-up that this time, we're going for the nerd/old librarian, Ismael, and the cheerleader job. This is mainly to include content in their time slots and enrich the game. Currently, I think it's quite good, but there's a rather strong grind. What more can I say? This is how it is. We still need to add the chemist, the leader of the Aryan faction, our dear bald man who's been lurking in a corner, and the leader of the black inmates. Thankfully, with the therapist's path and the showers, I'm gradually working on that. We also need the female boss, yes, the captain of the guards, and Vito, the leader of the Italians. And this is just the beginning. Then I need to think about each of them having sub-leaders. So, I'm not sure if I should start the dominant route or give you more options about this directly. What else? There are some great ideas that I've read about having a nurse's office or even putting in a warden. All of this is noted down. This game is still in its early stages and will last until I receive the last bit of support. Sorry for rambling so much. The most likely scenario is that after this update, and I'm giving you a heads-up on this, I'm going to surprise you with another update while you're voting, mainly to give everyone time to vote and then proceed with a well-prepared update. I want to give you a big "Wow." There's more to come. That's all I can reveal for now. In summary, new patch tomorrow, which will bring, well, surprises, because I'm starting on it right now, hehe. Above all, thank you for the support you've given, and tomorrow, more and better! :D



where do i actually run into the old librarian? i never seem to be able to find him


For now, there's only the initial encounter with him in the library and the description in the cell. I need to write about him, and I'm currently working on that. But both with the nerd and this character, they will try to make the character seem very naive. The challenging part of this is that I'll have to work with creating dual gifs based on femininity and also look for other M/M content. That's why I'm finding it quite difficult to progress his storyline at the moment. (But I'm working on it; I'm not sure if I'll be able to add more in this patch.)


For now -> 3 random events with the therapist... if you've reached the femininity level 2 event with him ... and you remembered the shower mate. + 23 new images. These are random events... you would have to go through all 3... for future updates, especially for event number 2... in which another character is mentioned ;) I hope to have the patch ready for today... I still have some work to do... I want it and I'm going to release it now... a new scene with the nerd... a transition event and... a new job with another 3 random events... so we would have... the entire patch... because... 3 random therapist events... 1 unique event with the nerd, maybe 1 random scene transition event, plus the 3 random events... at the new "workplace"... would make it 8... if I manage to do this... on average... I think we'll have... almost 50 new images... a workplace to reduce future grinding... and since the character is taking a nosedive... obviously... we'll see if I have enough time... otherwise, it would be the first time I release an update on a Saturday (because I would need to test it).


+1 unique scene in the cells if you have changed your underwear... and the nerd has taken you previously... to a certain glorious place... XD