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Survey Results for Version 0.34C:

  • 52% voted for "Develop scenes with hidden stats in various areas, more general content during different time slots, and lighten the grinding."
  • 32% voted for "Introduce initial scenes with the therapist, advance his storyline."
  • 15% voted for "Add content for the old librarian."

This survey has a clear winner, which is to create scenes with hidden stats in various areas, among other changes. The previous survey was a bit more chaotic, but I managed to include the top two voted options. So, what will this week's patch include? There will be 4 cross-dressing sissy scenes as usual, but I'm considering connecting them with the nerd or I'll decide later. As for the therapist, I'd like to add 2 scenes based on the character's femininity, even if they don't have explicit content. I want the character to react to how they're changing. I'm also thinking about introducing a zone where, due to the character's reputation and fame, they might get ambushed, considering stats like intelligence, strength, and, of course, femininity – at least for the sake of matching the gifs. Now comes the part of questions, answers, and discussing where we're heading and what the plan is.

Should I have or create a Discord channel? Yes, as soon as I can, most likely this Friday, I will create a Discord channel for sharing photos, ideas, or whatever you want.

Should the game have a guide? Yes, I'm considering that in future updates, I should include, apart from the changelog within the game, even if it's just a notepad, some information about the routes.

Why did the game change its focus or content? Well, the game initially had a gay focus (m/m). The change came because the idea is to have three routes: a super submissive one, a transitional sub route, and a dominant one, each with different kinks. That's why attributes like dominance, strength, and intelligence are included, along with other hidden attributes. The plan is to have as much content as possible, which also brings its own challenge. As the game grows, it becomes more difficult to introduce code without conflicts with other variables. I'll take care of this and keep you informed.

Why don't I dedicate more time to the game? I can say that I only have about 2 days to properly program during my free time, and I have to search for gifs/images, which is quite tedious. With my current job, I can't fully dedicate myself to this project. I'm about 700 away from being able to say, "Hey boss, I'm out," and solely dedicate myself to this. Hopefully, there will be more projects too.

Do you have a new PC? Will you create graphics now? Yes and no. Let me explain. I've got Daz Studio 3D, and I need to learn and educate myself on it. For now, I don't want to include anything created by me until I feel it's good material. There will be people who prefer real images. When the time comes, there might be 2 or even 3 types of downloads with different image files. This is ambitious.

Lastly, and not the most important, the survey system will remain the same, but starting from September, there will be 2 surveys only: one exclusive for higher-level Patreons and another general one. The chosen content will be what's worked on throughout the month. This change is important because it's quite challenging for me to do weekly surveys, read results on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and then release the patch in 2 days. If I had the entire week, I'd be more relaxed, and the content quality would remain. I'm also considering creating a Discord channel. I'm open to suggestions, and I'm on TF Games too, where I receive a lot of ideas.

I'm sorry for going on for so long. And yes, the general idea of this game is that it will eventually have an ending, but for now, I think it's just getting started. With this month, it's been 3 months of development. It might sound arrogant, but I've seen HTML games out there with years of development that don't have half the content, not even two weeks' worth of "story." It's not to spread negativity, but this Patreon's purpose is to bring content, and as long as I can, I'll keep doing that. Believe me, these months haven't been easy, but I hope you've liked the post. And as always, a new patch will be available on Friday or Saturday.



Thanks for the update. As much fun as it is to vote in polls weekly, I think your idea is going to work much better. You could, if you wanted, have a much more minor poll weekly or from time to time. For example, the monthly polls sets the "agenda" for the month but you from time to time could still do smaller polls ("who should the therapist be?" or if we voted on new jobs "do you want to work in the library or outside?"). This way you still know your focus for the month but can still get smaller input from time to time. Again, if you just focus on the 2 monthly polls, I still think that's a great idea. I know many people might like artwork but, personally, I like the real porn images. Whichever way you go, just don't stretch yourself too thin. Don't want you to get burnt out over finding/creating so many images. Also, I have a question on the paths. You said there's the dom path and then 2 sub paths, a transformative and a super submissive. So we're on the transformative sub path right now, right? That's been the focus based on the voting? Does that mean there is a plan for a sub path that focuses on more m/m content? For me personally, I like the idea of being submissive, m/m content, but without being feminized. Don't get me wrong, the game is good, which is why I continue to subscribe. However, is that your intention to eventually do a sub path where we don't have to become more feminine? Again, great job!


Yes, indeed. For example, each character now has a variable for their character arc development. Currently, we're focused on the cross/trans/sissy aspect, but I would love to introduce a submissive gay arc for each character. I don't want it to be limited to just one choice. The challenge is that I find it quite difficult to find gifs, etc., that align with this concept. Personally, I'm really fond of more effeminate characters, which is why we have those gifs for the nerd, but I would need more or find more suitable ones. The idea is to offer the possibility of being a submissive male without necessarily leaning into certain trends. For instance, I'm struggling with how the gym is portrayed. However, we're missing an outdoor calisthenics gym, and that's where I want to implement the dominant side. On the submissive side, we need more factions. I know it sounds ambitious, but I'm aiming for a portrayal of being masculine and submissive while experiencing certain feelings. I'm also aiming for the dominant side where you're influencing the whole prison and having the chance for heterosexual encounters. That's why I want to cover so much ground. You know, I'm seeking that balance where you can be masculine and submissive and still experience certain things. And on the dominant side, you're corrupting the entire prison and have opportunities for heterosexual encounters. That's why I want to cover so much ground. I'm bisexual myself, and there are aspects that I enjoy writing a lot, and there are others that leave me feeling quite... XD, well, a bit of a "slut," you know, hahaha. But I still enjoy it. Nonetheless, it's a bit... I don't know, hahaha. Thank you for sharing your opinion, and I love that you all write to me! :D


+2 scenes with the therapist are done: 1 without sexual content, the requirement is to have 20 femininity and, obviously, to have had the initial consultation. The second one contains sexual content but serves as a reminder of the past. For this, you need femininity at 30 and to have had an encounter with the black inmate in the showers.What's left for me to do: 4 cross/sissy scenes. I'm not sure whether to continue with the chef or advance the nerd's route. Femininity won't increase further, be warned, until there are more scenes with the old librarian and the nerd. The idea is for the character to go against everyone, so I'm considering... by the way, about hidden scenes, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time, and I wanted to do something like a Street Fighter style fight in the prison yard. Well, this gave me an idea; I could create one with two possible outcomes. Well, I'll see, but it's proving difficult for me to write.