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+Added 4 new scenes with therapist Arthur:1 unique introductory scene 3 random conversations

+Introduced Gardener job available only during morning and afternoon hours for a quick money boost.

+Added 3 Cross/Sissy scenes, following the submission route with the Chef until the poker game.

+After completing the Cross/Sissy route, a unique transformation event triggers when visiting the kitchen in the early morning. This event requires the first transformation event in the same area and the Chef having money.

+Implemented hidden stats for each character: The Shower Black Inmate, The Jackal, The Nerd, and the Chef.

+Set a maximum femininity cap at 60, automatically triggered if completing the entire route.

+Updated the stats page with character descriptions upon reaching femininity level 60.

+Incorporated 19 new images to enhance visual elements.

+Enhanced code organization and improvements.

+Added a unique event system with the 3 repeatable Cross/Sissy scenes.

+Introduced a new work zone for earning money, providing a less monotonous option.

+Prepared for a future forum post to address player questions, upcoming content, potential changes to survey methods, etc.

Links : 

https://workupload.com/file/ZauCVwwAPQQ ->WORK

https://mega.nz/file/NC93iaAJ#0yA6VLc16idqryEeW1wcoMVDVVsq3uajuZ9Z8jWHDzI ->MEGA




Gotta say, I liked the way the therapist appears to be heading. No adult scenes yet but I like the way it looks like you're taking this. I'll definitely be voting for more therapist and seeing how that works out.


Is it possible, that one can lock content? I am at 51 feminity and there seems no way I can progress any further.


No, the femininity being capped at 51 is one of the limits I've set. It's related to the code for the gym, library, etc. What else is happening... the significant event of femininity reaching 60 is already a fairly drastic step for the character, and I need to figure out how to progress from there and introduce the chemical lab. We're progressing quite rapidly in this storyline without involving key characters yet. I haven't even introduced gangs or anything yet... but I'll be making a post soon to address questions and answers I've seen in various forums. I apologize because these past 3-4 days, I haven't been as active as I'd like. I believe it's a good time to make a post outlining the short and medium-term objectives of the game.