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+30 gifs created by me

+6 scenes in the backyard in different time slots if your femininity is 30 or higher(1-Chef(Late afternoon),1-Tyron(Early evening),2-Vito Minions(Morning),1-Ismael(Morning),1-Nerd(Early Evening))

+2 new portraits

+55 image errors in Google Chrome fixed.

Future Plans :

I still plan to add a tab for internal thoughts so you can see all the scenes, although I currently believe that... basically, now there are scenes everywhere... but well... as I said in the other post -> Maybe Android version, Maybe online version. FOR SURE-> In April, what you voted for this month 1.CROSS/SISSY 2.M/M SUB and now my part 3. Expand M/M DOM route 4. New characters.

ALERT MINI-Spoiler: I hope you enjoy the scene with the chef... it's very much in his domain, and I think it's been missing for a while... by the way, this scene is designed to increase your cash flow and allow you to access poker ahead of time. With Ismael... I adore that scene I made, sorry for taking so long to upload the patch, I was fitting all the variables together. End of Spoiler.


https://workupload.com/file/XBHfu8TpmYs ->Work




Microsoft edge is blocking the file


I am not sure why it just says it is unsafe and won't download


Is there a walkthrough thats updated?


I got the same thing, then I allowed it to download and it gave me a pop-up virus to by MacAfee, it said that the only way I could remove the corrupted file was to buy the the MacAfee surcity.




Not sure what was going on, but had the same thing happen. I got it blocked and didn't allow it, but something def was wrong with the download, just Fyi


So cant download it :{


Omg I'm going to try to fix this immediately; this is super strange.


i will reupload right now sorry. This is so strange...


Thanks, can't wait to get it, Love the story and the direction its going, keep up the great work, Awesome job.


I apologize for the inconvenience, honestly... I don't know what happened to the link... I don't know if it was a false positive... I have no idea... but when I tried to download it and saw the same error on Microsoft Edge... I learned that it's happening in other places too... but it was super weird. I hope you can enjoy the game and thank you so much for your support and comments :D


No worries, is there a new link, I appreciate all that you do, love your work!!!


The new link worked TY


yes the new link worked, Thanks again


i think its time you progress forward with the story,its getting boring sorry


yup i will try to introduce new charcters in the new patch... ... a part of the " whoole sex gifs " of course... XD


what is your plan on the progressing the story plot?currently its only sex with new characters,i love your game dont get me wrong but i wish it was headed to something


Obviously, I know my game is like a spaghetti western, a follower told me a while ago and it's true, but there is indeed a backstory, the reason why... I stretch things out with sexual scenes, etc., is to add... well, depth, while at the same time not... it's true... that... I should start adding... endings to certain branches... but since I see people so... happy and cool with it... I extend and extend and I don't mind, they are sexual scenes different from each other.... which lead us to see how the character falls into a spiral of sex... drugs, alcohol, etc... and corruption, no... I could do more... yes... but... pfffff right now... I think I can add more life to it... I don't know... ... lately, the patches are focused on the respect and fame of the character.... that's why they take so much advantage of him... it's true that I have to create storylines like with the chef... but currently... I need to introduce more people so... I feel comfortable or it suits me to have that bad start... and of course... when will I advance the plot... pfff.... it's just... look, I'm going to introduce 2 new characters... plus their minions... and... I still need 2 more... who are big fish so..... pffff.... can I advance the plot... yes... but with the chef... I don't know how to explain it if I advance the rest... I block them.... because I want everything to be interconnected but also have its individuality, I don't know if I'm making myself clear.