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"Slave, you are gazing at the book with very curious eyes. Can you tell me why?" Marcus asked and showed the book to his fresh slave. 

"Master, I'm a simple slave girl, but I find books and papers interesting," Elinor answered. 

"I have seen you are reading my papers," Markus said.

"No, Master, I have only admired symbols. Simple slave girl cannot read." Elinor answered. Her past was lost and mixed on her way to the southern kingdoms. Nobody knew who she was, and Elinor had decided it to be better than captors knowing her royal background. Elinor had learned that slaves with special features or history were often sent to places they called Qiayntun. She didn't want to be sent to the slave school where they trained slave girls to become entertainers. Elinor was happy with the simple slave life, but she was afraid of being sent to Qiayntun because she was an imported slave with fair skin and blond hair. She separated from local slavegirls who had dark features. Elinor was considered an exotic, imported slave. 

"It looked like you memorized symbols," Marcus answered. He continued to the slave's reaction; he monitored how his words affected the girl, "Are you sure Saril is not a familiar place to you?"

"No, Master. I was looking." Elinor answered. 

"We have our ways to find the truth," Marcus said, "I'm afraid you are a spy." Now his words affected the girl. She looked confused and scared. 



Fritz Sands

Oh dear. That adds clarity.