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And the same time, when the beast prepares to enjoy his gift, the hero arrives. In front of the Karim, a stone bridge leads to the decorated cave. It looks like the place was more maintained years ago. It could have been a temple or any important place for worship. Karim was surprised to see that Monster was Gomeshi. They were intelligent creatures who didn't like to live alone. Maybe the beast wanted the girl to enjoy his lonely life. At least now he was behaving like Gomeshis did. They liked human girls. Naturally, Karim liked them because they were excellent customers. Maybe Gomeshis was a bit volatile to do business with, but they were generous with their payments. Although this one was lonely, he behaved like normal Gomeshi and enjoyed the view of naked breasts. 




So, how will this work out? Her "gratitude" for a release without sport? Well, I hope we get to see her being put on a leash and taken back to civilization.


so .. in the next installment we will see Karim sitting down to do buisiness with the gomeshi, while the girl provides background wailing and writhing in bonds


meanwhile, while hero and beast fight, i'll sneak in and release her : )