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Meanwhile, at the cave, Sadira hears heavy steps, and it feels like the monster's heavy breathing is already on her neck. She imagines how an awful monster rushes out of the cave and ends her life by ripping her into small pieces. Fear of death and sadness rush to her mind. Her young life is over before it even started. The life of a slave would have been better than awful early death. Sadira prepares for the pain and emptiness. She wonders if she will meet Mother in her end and is in an afterlife in the lands of the Spandaramed. Soon she would know all of this. She should be happy that she can join the death and give her body to the ground that grows new life. But the idea of being eaten by a monster and returning to nature through its digestive system is not a glorious fantasy. 

Monster is not in a hurry. It is not rushing to rip Sadira to pieces. Instead, the beast takes its time and walks peacefully out of the cave. Sadira is listening to how its steps approached. Now she is afraid that the monster is killing as slow as it is walking. Sadira doesn't like pain. Even a slave tattoo made her faint. A small hit from a cane makes her cry. How about a monster ripping her limps off her body and beating her flesh?




so fragile a creature!