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Meanwhile, Zungur explained the book and his favorite parts Tamar was working with Ronia. 

"Toys, my man, you have to learn to tease girls with the toys," Zungur explained, but I ignored him and focused on the lovely view with Tamar and Ronia. I liked Rona's readiness, but we would see how prepared she was when we proceeded to the photo session. Zungur was explaining about the toys, and soon we would use toys. Gayane had sent something to test with her. I knew Gayane would like to subject Ronia to the full slave training program. Intendured servitude contractors were usually treated with the lighter program unless they needed serious attitude correction. But for some reason, Gayane wanted the full set for her girl. Anyway, soon we would see how she reacted with light sexual torture. If she would not survive that, then it was no go. 

It was funny to think what would happen next if she agreed to the contract. Firstly, it was sure the bank would take her freedom through the National enforcement authority. Then, we would buy her into full slavery and assign her to the same job. I preferred to enter her to intendured servitude contract because that would be cheaper for us. If she was claimed by the bank, then we should compete over her in the auction driven by the National enforcement authority. I didn't want to think how expensive a beautiful girl like Ronia would be in the free auction. 



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