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While Doucette was thinking and measuring her options, Tuomo continued his monologue. Then, finally, he stood up and walked to the deck, taking Doucette with him. Again, whiskey had affected him, and his topics jumped from one to another, but he was praising Tapani to Doucette. His monologue continued that long that Doucette was soon ready to believe what he said, but she kept in her mind that she was cargo for this man. Captain looked annoyed because of Tuomos's speech, and the stone-faced boy on the wheel was laughing from time to time when it sounded like Tapani should marry Doucette. 

The boat engine continued its monotone song that chimed in with Tapio's talk. Doucette was sad and afraid, but she still felt amused when she looked at how the Captains' expressions changed. 

Finally, Captain interrupted the old man and said: "Tapio, I have an agreement to transport her and others. A nice girl (or two) is waiting for me at the destination. I don't need a redhead princess in my life. You know what I mean."

Tapio was laughing loud. Doucette was sure he was going to choke with his whiskey. 

"Our princesses. Mine is the light of my life!" Tapio answered. "She might be short-tempered and sharp with her tongue, but I love her."

Tapani smiled and answered: "Same as her sister."

Tapio laughed again. "Princess, come to the sunlight, and I will tell you about our queens and princesses." 



Fritz Sands

Ah, a redhead in handcuffs is a treat indeed.


She is. With and without ;) Collar is missing but we will fix that later when they get to the ship