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From the words of the old man Doucette understood one fact. No matter if they were now part of the loot and traitors took all the human rights away, there were people like that old man. People loved her, and someone would come to rescue them. She was looking at the Captain. Even he didn't look evil. He must be the man who does his best to serve those who gave a job to him. Doucette noticed that Captain was not extremely happy when he realized his special cargo. Even he could be the key to freedom. She also saw that mercenaries loaded ammunition and weapons onto the boat, and she listened to how they talked about special cargo. Only one was happy that Storhem was growing and the Ahstads family was no longer ruling. 

"I wish the situation was different." Tuomo continued. "This man here is good, and he will take care of you. There is no need to fight with him and his crew. Tell that to your military friend who was nearly breaking the boat."

"Your mother would be happy to see you with family." Tuomo turned to Tapani, who was a little bit annoyed with him. 

"Are you really telling me I should take a slave and make a family with her?" Tapani asked. 

"Why not?" Tuomo said. "If there is no free girl who you qualify." Tuomo was laughing when he was thinking about the candidates Tapani had. 

"Gods," Tapani answered. "Maybe I will take one from the south. They have warm brown eyes, silky brown skin, and strong dark hair like a cape on their back." 

"C'moon, man," Tapio said. "It is better to be with your people. See, our princess here. Beautiful green eyes, milk-white freckled skin, beautiful copper hair."

Then Tapio looked at Doucette and said: "I'm sorry, your Highness, but I'm rough old seadog. I speak direct."

"Red is a warning color," Tapani whispered to himself. Tapio should know that. His wife was most likely the number one reason he was always on the sea with his stinking boat. 

Doucette was looking at the Captain. She was not sure, but he looked like he was hesitating. It was a short moment, but now Doucette was convinced he was thinking a lot while the old man was talking. Doucette was also wondering if these two were relatives. It looked like they knew each other very well.



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