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That sickness really took all the power. I didn’t have any power to create anything. Then I slowly started to doodle something with my laptop. Because inspiration was gone with constant coughing and flu, I took something familiar I wanted to for a long time. After December pledges, I invested a lot in the character morphs and merchant resources. Now I decided to take Aygul and Casia back on the drawing board. 

I made small changes to their “adult” shapes and then morphed their age variations. They have a lot of adventures on their “18 yo” shapes, so I made that ready. I wanted both of them to look much younger than in shape when they were about 25 - 30. 

For testing them, I made one dance pose. Easy… my library is full of dance poses. Then I got back to Mistress Aygul. From the beginning, she has been comparing herself to slaves. She only has clothes on. She is submissive by her nature, and her slave girl is … more dominant. In her deepest dreams, Aygul fantasizes about how Casia would place a heavy collar on her neck and be a slave instead of her. But wearing a heavy collar can be a scary experience for the first time. 



Fritz Sands

You captured a great expression on her face.

Paul Petrovich

Maybe after you feel better, you could show the mistress shopping for the slave girl in the market?


love this .. but if i may ask, when will we see the end to ayguls original story?