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Tashima was captured by raiders who attacked an unprotected caravan on its way to the east. That time she didn’t understand the risk that her teacher and caretaker took when they chose a cheaper caravan. Tashima witnessed how raiders slaughtered most of the people traveling with unlucky convoy. She was hiding with a few other girls, and when they were discovered, she was sure their end would come. Later she hoped they would have been pierced by a spear and left to die on the steppe. Soon girls realized they had become part of the loot. Raiders cut off their clothes with knives. Miserable, begging, and a sobbing group of girls was shackled with heavy chains. The Commander of the bandits inspected them and decided to keep them. Then captors took them from bazaar to bazaar where buyers checked them like animals. Thye stuck their fingers to their private parts and looked at their teeth like they looked tooth of the animal they were about to buy.

After a long journey, Mistress Gayane bought Tashima. Then, she gave her new name, what she is now called when they speak to her. Tashima expected Mistress to put her on the market as fast as possible, but she was wrong. So, instead of selling her fast, she was made one of her servants. In the beginning, Tashima didn’t know places like Karabert or how well Gayane would earn with her. First, Gayane took her around and presented her to rich and important. Then, Gayane invited them to her place, making them enjoy feasts they had never seen before. Tashima was happy because now she was not on the bazaar, and quests were not checking her. However, when she was offering wine to them, her naked body was close to guests, and from time to time, they touched her by accident.

When Gayane took Tashima first time to the bazaar, she was terrified. She remembered how she was inspected and humiliated time over time. But now, Gayane only displayed her for a short time, and nobody could touch her. Tashima also understood that Mistress was looking for a master to her. Soon Tashima learned about Karabert and pleasure slaves. She was introduced to Ronia, who was trained in the slave house of Kizilbakh. Ronia’s responsibility was to teach Tashima about the secrets that pleasure slaves knew. Gayane had no luck selling Tashima to Karabert or Kizilbakh because both agents were looking for blonde foreigners. Gayane was preparing her slave for a local well-buying Master who was looking for a pleasure slave.






Capture, watching other girls being stripped, having her clothes cut off by the raiders, sobbing girls shakled, girls realizing they are part of the loot, being inspected by the Comander, being inspected by other bandits, the Commander using one of the girls for his pleasure in front of the other girls as a way to show the captives who is in charge, marching them naked on the road to town, leading them naked into town, being inspected like animals by slave mechants, the comander has lunch at a cafe with the coffle standing naked near by, marched to another town humilated by thier public nudity, being humiliated and probed like animals by other mechants, Tashima being examined by Gayane in a humiliating public way, being purchaced by Gayane, being led publicly away by Gayane. ETC. It would make quite a well illustrated story.