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Touch of the cold iron to her angle was enough. Then, Doucette ripped her leg free from the slave girl’s weak hold. She was in a rage. Siyrik was going to hurt her, and she would not allow him to do that for free. Shouting and with full force, she kicked her knee to his crotch. Her kick hit directly on his balls, and his hold on tool and Doucette released at once. The man shouted and fell to the ground. Doucette continued screaming and kicking him. She was swinging from her chains to get more force to her kick.




They never learn, do they. But I guess that's budget cuts, not being able to put chains on her ankles aswell. Would save a lot of people a lot of bruises.


I had hoped Siyrik might be man enough to master Doucette, but I think he might be even less now. Maybe Anubis can tame the bitch.


that is going to hurt - going to hurt Doucette


And that sounds like idea! Anubis could well pay nice visit to her when she is alone in the dungeon.