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Jana was young, but she had been in slavery long enough to forget how her old life was. A young, beautiful girl like Jana is usually sold fast at a great price. Jana was sold to the Slave house of Kizilbakh. In her old life, Jana didn’t know what Kizilbakh was or what slave houses were. So when she was taken to the grand castle and introduced to luxurious surroundings, she thought some kind of king lived there, and she would be serving him. Unfortunately, Kizilbakh was not a castle for the king. Jana was trained to be one of the best seducers, and she would be a pleasure slave for the rich and powerful. The training was long and tough for a young and innocent girl like Jana. When She was ready to be sold, she was presented to several buyers. It was a long introduction, and she was serving guests many long evenings doing her best to let them see her body and see her skills. The Master of the slave house wanted her price to go up, and he was teasing potential buyers.

Jana was disappointed when agents of the rich prince bought her. She didn’t see the prince or have any idea what man he was. The use of agents was a sign of power, and the surrounding where he lived was the continuation of the show.  Harem had many girls and his partners had gifted some of them to their Master. First Slave was from Karabert which is a fierce competitor of Kizilbakh. Sometimes slaves from competing houses were keeping cold between them, but luckily the First slave was good to Jana.

Finally, Jana was prepared for her first night with Master. Preparation took hours and the girl was nervous. Other girls in the harem had praised Master and compared him with gods. She was told how handsome and tender he was when he was loving his slave girls like they were princesses. Jana had been in the harem for already a few months, but she has never seen her Master. Her hopes were high after the stories she had listened to. That day she was waiting for Master. They waited long hours before they learned that he was not arriving. Jana felt rejected and sad. She cried in sorrow and was wondering why Master didn’t come for her.




awww .. poor girl is eating her red apple ..


but what happens if master does come right now - wil she dance with the half eaten apple? 8)