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Gayane’s favorite slave escorted girl and boy to us. Both of them were nervous like slaves on the market usually are. These would be a fantastic addition to my collection, and the next big auction would make sweet gold. But it was sure that also Gayane would ask lovely gold for these two.

“Tell me, where are these two from?” I asked her. She already told me that they are not totally fresh captives; and even blind can see that they are not local.

Gayane laughed; it was a light and happy laugh. “Some time ago, some idiot tried to raid fortress north from here, and it didn’t go like they planned,” Gayane said with a smile.

I knew about the failed raid on the Poti fortress. However, I didn’t think they spared other warriors than their leader, who was still there for humiliation and display. “I remember that,” I answered, “Survivors were new to me.”

Raid happened months ago. So these two have been in captivity already some time, and it looks like they know how to behave. It was also clear that they knew the local language, at least in some level. I was thinking about arguments to make their asking price reasonable. It was sure that girl was used already in her home country. There was no way she could be untouched and nice like local girls are. Gayane kept their ankles shackled. I was wondering was that only to remind their position or was there a good reason to do that.

“They spared few young and beutiful. Most of them were a total waste, but then there were jewels like these,” Gayane answered.

I reminded to myself that these were warriors from a foreign land. Also girl. No matter how nice she looked, she must know how to use weapons.

“Are they tame?” I asked to be sure what Gayane was showing to me. As an answer, she laughed. Maybe my question was really stubid. If she took them for sale, there were two options. They were fresh, or slavers already tamed them.




they might have been warriors in training (potential warriors as children of warriors) but they do not show the body / muscle development of having really started their trainig

Paul Petrovich

Gayane always closing the deal!