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Mistress ordered one of the slave girls to collect metal weapons and place them on the barrel nearby. Kadir gave his saber to the slave girl and cursed when he took a wooden sword from another slave girl. With young Mistress Sahin, he felt himself like one of the slaves. Mother was better and gave much more power to the guards. Young commands everybody like her slaves. Although Kadir didn’t like the new Mistress, his options were limited. He has been guarding slaves all his life, and he doesn’t have any experience from the battlefield. He could leave Karabert and become either warrior or slave trainer. Normal villager life was out of the question. If he would go and start as a slave trainer, he knew he would start from some mudhole. It doesn’t matter; he already has a name. When he weighted bossy mistress against life outside Karabert, his choice is easy. Here he lives like a king and is surrounded by beautiful girls. When girls are trained, he can use some of them.  The best is that all of them must please him in a way or another. A constant flow of fresh beauties makes a man feel comfortable.

But now, he should beat and humiliate the first slave. Kadir had no problem beating and humiliating, but he was more in the mood for enjoyment than punishment. He also needed to admit that hurting the first slave was becoming more difficult because he liked her much more than any man should like a slave. Kadir was changing from brutal guard to soft. He still liked to see how girls and boys were in fear when he punished them, but something had changed. He had even cleaned First slaves’ wounds after Mistress had fun with her. Of course, he should leave that to slave girls, but somehow he felt pity for her.

Nadia took gladius from Doucette, who was staring at her eyes. It was unusual to see this girl stiff from fear. She was defiant and brave. She would be very hard to break and shape to Karabert girl. Nadia had realized that Doucette was not afraid of pain. Nadia was concluding that this girl might even like when she is punished. After receiving her sword, Nadia looked at Kadir, who was in deep thoughts.

“Wait!” Mistress shouted.

“Number one, stand in the middle and bow. I have prepared a pleasant surprise for you.” Mistress smirked at her.




oh, my .. a surprise .. probably not a pleasant one .


whoa, did Doucette have a growth spurt?


I was thinking same when I was looking at this picture! She looks much taller than she is.