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Nazeli was an excellent dancer who mastered her body perfectly. Her every move was pleasing an eye, and Master Marcus paid fat amount of gold for her. Nazeli was the average village girl whose highest dream was to marry a boy from a wealthy house. That all was in her previous life. Now she was the highest level seducer and entertainer. When she danced, she followed the reactions of her Masters. She knew when to move hips, how to move hands, and twist her body. She was floating in front of hungry eyes, and she enjoyed it when they watched her in hungry.

When Nazeli was captured, and raiders burned her village, she felt that her life had ended. Nazeli was taken apart from her family. Raiders ripped her clothes from her and she was shackled with other village girls like a group of animals. Soon after that, she was sold to Mistress Sahin. That was the worst time of her life, and she was sure she was going to die. She wished for death many times. The transformation from humble village girl to seducer who could fill all the fantasies was a tough road to walk. Each failure in front of the Mistress was punished with innovative suffering.

Despite her feelings and will to die, Nazeli changed. Some girls were more rebellious, and they didn’t have a fear of pain. Nazeli was afraid of pain and punishments. Soon she learned to relax and enjoy that little pleasure that was allowed for her. After that, she realized that her life as a pleasure slave would be very different from the village life she had been dreaming of all her life. When she was looking down from the balcony of a luxurious city house, she saw how dirty villagers were wandering around the streets. Husbands were commanding and their pregnant wives. In the worst case, mother-in-law was treating her harsik worst than she treated a dirty slave girl.

Like all slaves, also Nazeli had a slave tattoo on her right shoulder. It was a permanent reminder of her status. However, under the slave tattoo, she had another, much more appreciated tattoo. It was a tattoo of Karabert, and it told where she was and what she was capable of doing. That tattoo was like a label of quality. Now she was also wearing the golden collar, which was a sign of a wealthy owner and high rank. So naturally, she would not be allowed to wear a golden collar outside this occasion, but she was on high rank for this special occasion.




That girl is going to have a very busy night. I would like to see her getting one on one time with the man that finally buys her from the "accademy"