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I cannot help myself and continue Zungurs journey in the foreign lands. He has already been bitten by the scorching sun and Tamar. Now he will meet a new kind of enemy… the Red Apple. Find his adventure in Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87480709. This is also an opportunity to test a new version of the character. Generation 2 Zungur looked like Bill Clinton, but now I had his drawings and profile images to look at and tried to hit close to with different sources.


Semi-permanent camp around Oasis had grown from small camp to large caravanserai with stone buildings and large tents. The location was perfect because here, desert dunes started to change to grassy and dry highlands. Oasis was a good distance from large cities and it was the place to have a rest. Caravanserai with this size had it all to offer. It was like a small bazaar where goods changed owner. There was absolutely everything that the region had to offer—also entertainment. Troubadours famous in the courts of the kings were entertaining the crows while dancers with beauty and grace were performing. Elsewhere wild drums and zurna were blasting when men joined wild battle dances to test their skills. Owners with their pleasure slaves were circling drunken men looking for the good catch to have some extra silver or gold for nightly pleasures.

Zungur was traveling with the raider caravan for a few days. Finally, with the recommendation by the guide, he left the caravan to see caravanserai that the caravan master had decided to avoid. Instead, he had chosen the route that took a caravan more to the east. He had decided to stop in the city of Saril before continuing to Goris. Zungurs short stay with the slow caravan paid off, and with little support from his guide, his reputation traveled faster than a large caravan full of slaves.

Zungur had seen caravanserais on his way, but this one was like a small city with several stone-built buildings. Arrival was late, and the party had started. Air was full of smoke and smelled like barbequed meat. Zurna was blasting somewhere behind the buildings while sad duduk was playing in the tent nearby. Suddenly two armed men appeared behind the buildings and stopped them with a friendly greeting. The guide knew them after endless discussion guide explained to Zungur that guards invited him to meet the man who was ruling the place. He was told that the man willing to spread some fortune was traveling through the region, and Master was interested in seeing what kind of man was looking for new businesses and partners.

Dinner was rich. It was served by the most beautiful slave girls and boys Zungur had seen on this journey. Unlike with Vahagnians, it was visible that these slaves had been broken and trained already some time ago. While some were playing gentle music, others were singing beautiful poems that the best troubadours had written. Then Zungur was invited to discuss and relax.

Master was more than interested in hearing the purpose of his travel and what he was planning to trade. The discussion was long and touched many topics. There was enough wine to keep the mood but not get too drunk. The slave girl who was serving Zungur was keeping enough wine in his goblet. Finally, Master had a short pause and said: “Entertainment.”

Music led by kamanchec and ud started to play. Drums were following the main instrument when a beautifully dressed dancer was floating to the room. She bowed in front of Zungur and began her dance with slow steps and well-planned hand movements.

“Why is she holding an apple?” Zungur whispered, but Master smiled back at him without answer.




poor Zungur - he has no idea what will hit him .. and i wonder what (who?) the girl in the background is looking at - i doubts its Master or the dancing girl .. could it be the boy?


The original red apple experience. The girl is looking at the dancer for a moment. Mostly she is looking at Zungurs goblet.


i'm suddenly very thirsty ; )