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From two sisters, Doucette was always the one who was dreaming about the prince who will come, marry her and make her happy.  Despite that, she always admired how soldiers trained with their swords. Eventually, she got permission to join the training, and she had her swordfight teacher. 

After they were captured, she kept her skills secret. She wanted to spare her abilities and keep them for a surprise. Doucette was able to hide all that for a long time, but in Karabert, you cannot keep your secrets forever.  Tamar was suspicious for a long time. She had seen how rebellious slave fight back when they took her to her punishment. Tamar was sure Doucette was hiding her skills to handle weapons. 

The first slave of the house arranged a few saber dance practices to see how redhead was handling the saber. Tamar was leading practices. It took some time to see how Doucette was dealing with a saber. Usually, she refused to dance and took punishment instead of obeying. One day she joined the dance, and at once, it was clean; she knew how to hold the weapon. 

Later Tamar took her to an empty harem pool with Nune. Doucette was scared when she was equipped with a saber and dagger. Sabre was dull, but the spike-like dagger was sharp. Doucette was scared. She was not sure if she was supposed to fight with Nune. Nune was one of the girls who had great skills to handle a blade. While Tamar was preparing her, she whispered to her ear: "I know you can use the sword. I want to see you two dancing well but don't kill each other."




rapier and main-gauche is a damn difficult style

Dark Anubis

The flaming haired goddess is back!


Thank you. Now G8 is very near to the original ... there is still some work to do with her, but I'm already quite happy. She needs some testing. You will enjoy that ;)