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Hello, here I'll talk about my goals for this month, for people who are interested and are supporting me. Commissions are underway, and after working on so many comics, I've become better at pacing myself and drawing every day, so this time, commissions won't reduce the number of sketches and other stuff I draw (hopefully). I'm sorry for the few days of no posts, but I'll do my best to stay at a near daily publish schedule.

As for projects, I'm going to do some galknights comics, but in shorter format, one page, while working on a chapter. I want to create comics that people can read and enjoy on their own without having to read the full story, and hopefully it'll raise interest in it anyways. I'll try to have them be 4koma style or just a single page short gag comic. If I can manage to do two chapters this month, that'll be crazy.


Papa Diamond

its all good to take a break so don't stress out about not posting every day. excited to see the galknights comic. the way you describe this one reminds me of the mimic comic which was really funny and cute