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Hello, another month has gone and another project is finished. While working on Noyemi, I tried having larger pages and drawing more better and gooder than I usually do, which I hope is reflected in the final product. Thank you so much for reading it, supporting me, or even just visiting the page sometimes.

I didn't have the time or energy to draw two comics at once, so there's no Galknights this month, but I think Noyemi is a lot more interesting. Galknights has become a series that needs boring chapters connecting the more interesting events, so I need to find a way to make this current chapter exciting and worth spending a lot of time on. I guess making boring chapters is part of the experience of creating a series, but the chapter after this one should be able to stand on it's own as a oneshot. So I'm really excited to draw that as this month's project. You don't need to read the whole series to enjoy that chapter. 

Art wise, I drew a lot of things and again did not sketch as much as I hoped while working on Noyemi, since it absorbed all my energy. I'm starting to sketch a lot more now, so that hopefully won't stop. All these techniques I'm learning will show in the new ideas for Fightr I have if I decide to make a new example page of it. I have plenty of other ideas too so if I make single page shots of the ideas, you guys can decide which ones you like.


Papa Diamond

Noyemi turned out so good. I also like how different it is to galknights. the sketches have also been really good. excited to see the next chapter and fightr