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I have a few pages left of Noyemi, I'm hoping to have it done before the end of this week. At that point I'll probably start working on galknights to cool off since doing that is therapeutic to me. I don't have many wips to show of Noyemi anymore since its a one shot comic and the pages don't make much sense unless you're reading the whole thing. Though I want to try and draw some normal pictures of her in the different outfits she wears in the comic, or something like that.

Also, I will try to sketch a lot more stuff, because I want this patreon to a place to see a new goodie every day or so. I'm still scared to post anything too NSFW until I get this nonsense sorted out, but if I do draw NSFW it'll be posted on other sites, not here. (ironic) I have not been happy with the art I've been drawing recently because drawing comics takes a lot of energy out of me, so I don't have much left when trying to sketch things and come up with ideas, but I will keep trying and stick to what works, and if you stick with me you'll hopefully see some great sketches.


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