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The month is nearly over, and I'm hard at work on Galknights. 5 pages left! I didn't work on Fightr at all, so that will have to wait until I improve my productivity. Working on commissions, making my own pieces, and drawing comics all at the same time proved to be a lot harder than I thought. I still want to post every day on patreon, but I might end up missing these last few days. Oh well, a couple weeks of nonstop posting is pretty good.

I want to turn my focus next month towards drawing more sketches and original pieces, while working on comics. Daily drawing is still a goal, and when I finish this Chapter of Galknights, I'll work on some ideas I have with overhauling the art of Fightr. But I'll talk about that more. I'll make another update post on the actual last day.


Papa Diamond

you did a amazing job this month. you were very busy which meant you couldn't work on some things. don't stress out about fightr. once again great work, thank you for the update, and excited to see ch 5.