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I'm making this one early because I have family visiting me for a week. Unfortunately this means I won't get to draw for a few days, so anything I post will be scheduled ahead of time. I'm trying to draw a lot before they arrive because I hate not having new posts in a while. 

Anyways, thank you so much to new patrons. I've got a few commissions to work on and I'll pick them up again in august, so thank you to anyone still waiting. I didn't get to work on my comics ever since I opened commissions, and that kind of bums me out. But in August I plan on going hard into comics and have more Galknights art as well as hopefully release Fightr. That'll be after I finish comms and am comfortable, since I'm not yet making money with comics yet ;(, but hopefully that will change. Anyways, for the next few days, I'm going to try and have things posted, and I'll be away from the internet for a bit.


Papa Diamond

thanks for the update and don't stress out to much before your family visit and i hope you have a good time with them

Damien Olivera

Enjoy the time with the family.