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(Random sketch that I won't finish as it freaked me out too much, so you have to look at it too.) This month I want to make significant progress on a new comic, My Golden Goose for people who have been following. But I also want to do commissions, so both those things will take up the entire month most likely. I'll continue sketching as well and while they won't be daily updates, I'll try to update 3 times a week. And I'll mix up the sfw and NSFW drawings while keeping them balanced, I suppose its worth giving people a reason to be a Big Bang Supporter.

Galknights Chapter 10 is hopefully going to be complete by next week, not much else to say about that than I hope you enjoy it. I won't be able to post new drawings every day this month while I have these projects going on so I apologize, but hopefully this means the sketches will be better, like on the level of the Asuka and Haru sketches.



thank you for updating us parfait. keep up the hard work 😎👍

Papa Diamond

excited to see what you do this month and i like this sketch