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Some sketches that I'll try and recycle into panels for my next comic. (more information here). I've finished writing out the story and I'm ready to start actually creating it, though it seems to be the biggest project I've done in a while. I'll be experimenting with styles to make it easier to draw, and daily sketching has taken me far in achieving that. 

Anyways the protagonist is a woman who owns a Sushi bar, and I want her design to be refined and strict. Plus very overconfident and shrewd, but not mean. the sketches have slightly different head shapes as I try to find what I drew for the rightmost pictures (the old sketches). She also doesn't have a name yet so I'll think of that soon.

Hopefully the art in this comic will be better than Okabamadara. Sketching often has paid off and I feel like it will be both better quality and faster drawn. I think making this comic and Galknights at the same time won't be as much of a mental burden. 




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Papa Diamond

happy to see her again. im glad the sketching is paying off