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The new guidelines Patreon has come out with is causing a lot of discussion. They're strict on NSFW and have hard lines on what is and isn't allowed, but that doesn't affect me because they're talking about violent things or extremely weird art (you know). What DOES affect me is this line that I've highlighted.

I've always wanted this patreon to be totally free to view and for support to be optional, but now it seems I can no longer do that. Things that are too NSFW will have to be locked, meaning you can see it if you become a Big Bang Supporter. It burns me up that I have to do this, but I will often post things from Patreon to twitter after some time, so it won't be hidden forever.  I don't draw nearly well enough for patreon to notice me so I don't think I'm in trouble yet, but the Noyemi picture was just the start.

Also, I'm not sure what this means for old drawings, if they're grandfathered in or what. I may have to go back and lock those if Patreon sends me warnings. Sorry about all this, it won't stop me from drawing and I appreciate all the support either way. 


DandyFeller (AKA Drew)

Would that mean that it would be more practical to...advocate for piracy in this specific case? I almost feel weird suggesting this as a solution.


Everything I post here will eventually go to twitter, so that's the plan for now. And I'm not someone who draws only NSFW so it won't be like everything is locked. I want people who support me to do it because they like my art, so alternate ways to see the locked content is fine by me. Maybe if I grow this channel bigger I'll think different, they say money changes people.