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So I feel like I need to get if off my chest and be fair with all of you here.

A few days ago I quit my current job. I have been working in this job for 3 years now. Recently me and my colleagues decided to quit it, since our salary wasn't rising. We had to make it before March start since we got a monthly period of termination. 

I didn't want to quit this job, since I like the people with whom I was working, the overall atmosphere here and much more benefits! But I'm not gonna lie, that the salary is as important as the atmosphere at work! 

Now, I kinda don't know what to do. I will be looking for a new job, but there is a small hope that I can stay in my current workplace with a raised salary (but after I said that I quit, it will look stupid if I stay in this place), so that's why I'm a bit confused.

This is also the reason I slowed a bit with posting my stuff here and on my other platforms, and I'm sorry about it!

In the upcoming days, I should post some of the commissions I was working in February! 

As always, I'm very grateful for your support! <3



Totally understandable. Sad to how things turned out but I still have my hopes up for you that everything will turn out right the end. You are an amazing creator :-)