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Hey, fellas!
I hope everyone is doing well. I am doing well myself with little excitement (thank god) going on in my life right now XD
Anyway, let's talk about the game...
I'm probably gonna post some peeks soon and I think they'll be the last ones for this update. Not much left to render, I think. The scene I'm currently working on is taking a LOT of effort to render. But once that's done, I'll just have to finish up a few other scenes I jumped over at various points of the updates because the were animation heavy (you probably guessed what kind of scenes those are) and then a few days of coding and sound editing and we're good to go. It's still a lot of work if you add it all together tho, so I don't wanna sound like I'm almost done. However I am hopeful that I can release the update this month. If not, probably early July.

Anyway, as ever, thank you guys so much for supporting me! <3 <3





Yay! \o/ Can't wait! And glad no stupid surprises!