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Hey fellas, I hope everyone is doing well! :)
I've been a bit sick last week so my productivity dropped significantly for a few days but I'm fine now and I'm back at full speed :)
Since it was originally intended that this update would only have 2 "good stuff" scenes, I decided to add two more which I'm mostly finished making so things are going well there. This chapter is also connected with the next one plot-wise. So there's technically no end point for this chapter and start point for the next. So I'm thinking I'll stop and call it end of chapter one when I hit 1000-ish renders, which is more or less the average chapter length in my game so far. So if I go with this approach, the chapter shouldn't feel longer or shorter than any other chapter I've made so far. By the way I'm now at 574 renders and 35 videos.
Anyways, I'll get back at it. Thank you so much for your support, the project wouldn't be possible without you guys! <3 <3 <3




I’m just imagining you being like “Hmm,” *tastes spoonful of content* “Needs more sex.”


ALL THE SEXY OUTFITS! ~Ahem~ I mean, glad to hear you're feeling better and making progress. Looking forward to the results 😁