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Had to rush this one a LITTLE BIT because I've been busy as hell. I may revisit the art of her weapons, because it's not quite up to par, but I wanted to put out what I DO have for now. 

It is my personal headcanon that while Sapphire does not summon a weapon, when fused, Garnet used to typically just summon Ruby's boxing gloves and go to town by coating them in ice. Bismuth creating these weapons for her was a way to get her more flexibility to her fighting style until she got her gauntlets. 

Realistically, it was more of a fun little art experiment for Bis than a serious attempt at making functional weapons - and an important first foray into making something other than towers and buildings for Homeworld nobles! 




This is so so cool! Can I ask how you're able to dedicate the time and creativity to make all of these details? Especially for a fancomic that I assume is not your main source of income?


I managed to talk my boss into working part time at some point so the hours I work actually allow me some extra hours to dedicate to this comic. Also... I just have no social life to speak of 😅 I don't do anything besides this. I don't play video games or go to cafes or parties, etc, except maybe once every three months.

Shiny Bishie

I love seeing a Connie trained more by garnet than pearl, it's so interesting seeing her journey! Can't wait to see her bust these bad boys out sometime


So used to seeing her without glasses in the show that I forgot she needed them until you pointed out that she wears contacts


I LOVE THIS!! I love the fact that Connie fights using hand to hand combat now instead of being a sword fighter. It's a really good swap. I feel like she'd be and even more intimidating and formidable knight. Cant wait to see more of those brass knuckles. Also, I'm actually surprised she technically still needs glasses 😮 This entire time I just thought she didn't need them in this world. Never occurred to me that she wore contacts. Anywho, keep up the great work. Your story gets more and more amazing (and addicting 😅) to read 📚 love you and your work 💙


Huh. Today I learned about Bagh Nakh weapons! Had to look that up. It’s a very cool (pun not intended, but kept) weapon for Connie.


What if she becomes a ninja in like a mixture of pearl and garnet training