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Hey everyone, thanks as always for your patience and support! After a frankly very packed week, I was just barely able to finish this month's requests from the top tier Patrons!

As always - if you didn't see your request in your inbox and you didn't see it here, please email me to let me know as soon as possible! 

Cheers and see ya all next month!




Would you ever consider labeling these with their prompts? I often really like the look of some of the characters and would be interested in exploring more of whatever fandom they come from, but without knowing the character’s names there’s no chance of finding where they come from.

WarLord Vs ManTop

Is there a way to make a request it seems that the 20 dollar membership is full?


Sorry, I have to limit my request tier to make it realistic for myself to finish the art I am asked to draw. :/ if I get more requests a month than what I have now, I'll either stop drawing the comic or die from overwork. 😂 I try to keep an eye on when the tiers have an open spot, but they often get snatched up kinda fast.