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Baby drama resolved! Or at least... they're taking the steps to resolving it.

Next episode incoming, probably a little bit after the new year, because I need to do IRL stuff as well.

Quick question to those of you reading on Patreon:

For episodes like this, would you prefer to read the whole episode all in a single post?

It might take me longer to finish, but if you guys prefer to get a larger episode all at once, I can do that instead.

OR would you prefer these smaller, more frequent updates?

On the public side, I'll likely update these kind of half-episodes every two weeks, but here on Patreon, we can do whatever.

Let me know what you think in the comments! I love reading any input you guys want to offer. :)



Krystal Yoshinary

Whatever's easier for you. I love the frequent updates, but it's your comic. Do whatever works best.


Small updates, big updates... I honestly don't care as long as the unreasonably high-quality comics keep coming.


Big updates I can be paitient


I love how CG being aware that Steven could physically keep her from clogging the toilet implies that she understands he doesn’t want her to do it, yet keeps doing it. XD You’re very good at writing dialogues and showing bits of one’s character through them… This makes reading these comics very enjoyable, and also gives us a solid ground for theorising. PS: I’ll also be advocating for smaller updates. They allow to not have pauses that are too long between chapters, as well as being a nice regular read.


She absolutely understands he doesn't want her to keep clogging it, yes. 😂 Alas... It's just so much fun! Thank you for the kind words :)