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It's been a long time coming... I've finally done it! I've made a video!

And for my first spin on the Merry Go Round of video-making, I've decided to answer the age-old question of... how I make comics!

This video is not yet public - it'll go up a little later this weekend! But for all your generous support, I figured you all should get a first peek.

I would also appreciate suggestions for future videos! I'm thinking of making a whole bunch of Drawing Progress videos with some audio overlay of me answering tumblr inbox questions. Let me know if that seems like a good idea or not!

(Sorry for the lack of subtitles - there will be subtitles added to the YouTube publish!)




Thank you for everything you do 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭💕💕💕💕


This was an great video! I really love seeing the creative process people take, I find it very inspiring! I definitely think I personally need to leave my work be as well, it’s too easy to be a perfectionist lol! Thanks for all your hard work! You’re awesome.


Thanks for watching and good to hear it's a common struggle! We all tens to be perfectionists I guess!