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I've been loading up on fanart for the fanartapalooza, and since I have the first months-worth of the illustrations done, I figured... why not give them to you guys now? 

These are not in any particular order, so don't read into that part of it. There's definitely more on the way though! I'll probably post the next set on Patreon again when it's done. I'm also planning to try to start drawing Season 5 in October, and am currently honing my video editing skills to give you all a 'How I Make WDAU Comics' video!

Thanks for placing your peepers upon my art, and see ya when I post the monthly requests! 




Would there be a way to link the comics that these are for? I am interested in some of these but idk what their called


When the official posts for them go up on Tumblr I will definitely link them! :)