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............ coulda been worse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Holy shit. This gave me chills to read all together. You're always so evocative and the way your art gets better and better never ceases to amaze! The framing is so good here, and the emotions are so on point. Well done! Thank you for all your hard work!


That was so cool but it leaves the question, how long can this last? It looks like a diamond order/Possession so when he wakes up will they be outside of his control like earl in the beginning or is this something more something stronger? Will Steven have to maintain control over a Posesion or did he give a diamond order that can’t be directly broken that took all he had?


Absolutely breathtaking! Your work is always so amazing, and this is certainly no exception! Absolutely worth the wait. I know some others have said this already, but thanks for your hard work!

Bethany Bluebird

GOOOO STEVEN OUR LIL NIGHT LIGHT BOI I AM SO HYPED FOR THIS SHIT, You have NO idea!! I feel like 'Could have been worse' Is kinda the Crystal Gems' unofficial slogan. Greg could put that on a T-shirt and sell it.


Yellow Diamond being absolutely flipping terrifying there.


I feel kinda silly that it took me rereading it just now to realize Steven did the White Diamond possession thingy that canon White did to Pink Pearl/Earl, Yellow, Blue and the CGs. At first I thought he just told it to stop forming and the cluster stopped, but rereading it I was like WAIT ITS ALL WHITE AND GRAY WHEN HE LASER EYES IT