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As many of you already know, I've been working on a little something for the past 2 years or so. The following artwork has been accumulating for the past few years/months so I thought it might be interesting to put it out here! All of the following are on the facets tumblr in some capacity, but not in their original size. That's reserved for you all on Patreon. :) 

First up: Location Assets!

(along with some unfinished sketches which may yet see the light of day)

And of course, those that populate these locations...

2. Gem Assets!

Green Pearl

Lapis Lazuli (I've nicknamed her Nosy)

Smart Ruby

Gneiss and Yellow Aptatite

Tiger's Eye

Era 1 Peridot



Rose Quartz - one of the first Pink Diamond ever made!

Sodalites! Watch out, one is about to ditch.


More Rubies!


And last but not least, a small concept for an SU-themed TTRPG map!

Thank you as always for your support! I'm working on monthly requests and the next WD!AU release now, and will hopefully have those ready for you in the expected order. :) 




If I had to pick a favorite it would be the illustration of the floating for its sense of grandeur of gem civilization. Thank you for your great art!


I love all your gem designs and portraits that have so much love and character! I am so glad to be back to and seeing all of your wonderful art here! (: