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Hey, so in honor of pride month, and in honor of me being extremely tired today, I got home from work at 7pm and immediately decided to make this reply to a VERY old ask because I had the stupidest ever idea for it. 

Please keep in mind - this is only semi-serious, and I am relying on all of you to tell me if this joke is dumb. 

I reiterate - I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow. I don't know why I drew this. 

Good night, sweet bees.  




I’m a dumb-dumb who needed to google “Slow Drip” because I thought it was the name of a real magazine, but as soon as I understood the joke I laughed out loud. Absolutely 1000% a good joke, definitely not dumb.


I don't get it 😅 I'm very sure that's a me issue, and I have tried googling some things, but I still don't get it. 😅 Slow drip is a kind of coffee? The magazine does not exist? The Urban Dictionary definition of Slow Drip doesn't make any sense? It doesn't seem to be a "pan"sexual joke to me? Can someone please explain the joke to me? 😅😅😅


This is absolutely funny. A+