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Some of you may already be aware, but I'm a GM for two 5e games, one of which happens to be a Pokemon 5e adapted adventure. As it happens, I'm also That GM that puts an insane amount of time into art for the game to make it come alive for my players. 

I have amassed some art here - some that you may have seen, and some which you may not have! It's a little bit of everything, and I plan to share more if people are interested. 

This world is based out of Kanto, though set some time in the future. There are different GYMs, different towns, and a bit of an upheaval in the system. 

Aside from making maps of the region, I've also delved into making maps of the towns. This is an updated map for Palette Town!

The three players are all 14 year old kids who just received their trainer's licenses. 

There's a new Professor - Prof. Acacia, who is a young researcher of Pokemon regional variations. 

There's also a new Evil Team in Town: Type 19! No one is exactly sure of WHAT they want to accomplish... but you can't deny their sense of style is on point. 

I plan to post more art as we go, and maybe also share some upcoming art of characters who haven't appeared in the game yet. Let me know if you want more! :) There's tons more maps and other things I could share if people are interested.

I technically post all this stuff on my blog as well - pokemon-now-and-then.tumblr.com so if you want, you can keep up with my exploits there. 

By the way, I record and post our adventures so if you're interested, you can watch them on YouTube!



Thannak (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 07:38:38 Might want to be careful about tying any kind of monetization to anything connected to D&D. Hasbro is trying to super monetize its game IPs, and revoked the old player/company contract with a new one that’s kinda like the Bethesda Creation Club bullshit. https://youtu.be/WXTdoUW8nxo
2023-01-12 17:20:35 Might want to be careful about tying any kind of monetization to anything connected to D&D. Hasbro is trying to super monetize its game IPs, and revoked the old player/company contract with a new one that’s kinda like the Bethesda Creation Club bullshit. https://youtu.be/WXTdoUW8nxo

Might want to be careful about tying any kind of monetization to anything connected to D&D. Hasbro is trying to super monetize its game IPs, and revoked the old player/company contract with a new one that’s kinda like the Bethesda Creation Club bullshit. https://youtu.be/WXTdoUW8nxo


Thanks for the comment! I'm actually following the OGL 1.1 fiasco quite closely and am well aware of what's about to come. I think maybe I've not made my intentions clear - this isn't a post of me monetizing/selling any game expansion. This is just art I've made for my own game. I'm just posting it here for you guys to see.