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Those of you on Discord might have already heard, but over a week ago, my PC started acting strangely and rebooting/getting stuck in reboot loops. I originally suspected it was something to do with the Microsoft Update, so I tried various driver/windows 10 install fixes, but even a clean reinstall did nothing. 

I started hardware troubleshooting, but as of Monday night, my old CPU was no longer usable, and the new one has fixed nothing. Computer won't post. I can't even flash BIOS. My desktop is a brick. 

Needless to say, I cannot draw. I am bringing the whole tower into a computer store on Monday morning, but I cannot promise a quick fix and a return to norm. 

If you are a $10 or $20 Patron..... 

please be patient with me for a little while longer. I will do my best to get your requests done when I can, but it might run into next month. 

Thank you all for your support in the meantime. 

Oh, and one last thing.... 

If you're reading this post via a patreon scraper, like kеmоnо pаrtу, I'd like to say Fuck You In Particular. I hope you're happy to be circumventing an independant creator's income. Here's a cheers to you not getting SHIT. 👍



Shit, I'm sorry about that. I work in IT and have dealt with a fair share of data loss in my time. It sucks big time. If the issue is the cpu, then you might be in luck, and you'll still have all your files. I don't know the details about what's going on with your computer, but one of my go-to stories is that my computer started randomly rebooting one day. Sometimes I could boot into my OS for a little bit, and sometimes I couldn't get it to POST. I tried everything. In short, the issue was that my CMOS battery had died and my motherboard couldn't handle that. I literally took the battery out, which wiped all my BIOS settings, but did allow my computer to boot and work. I bought a new one for like three bucks and didn't have an issue after. Normally those batteries are...CR2032s, I think? If your computer is a laptop, it might have a specialized version though. This may not help at all, but if it does I'll be very happy. Good luck. EDIT: I spent a week troubleshooting, and was about to throw the entire computer away and buy a new one when I randomly decided to take out the battery for some sort of test. Sometimes the smallest thing can cause the biggest problems


I hope its a cheap/fast fix for you.


Good luck mate