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Hey guys! I've decided that given how barren of a wasteland April has been, I'm not really going to be doing anyone any favors by continuing April in the same vein. Because of that, I'll be pausing the April billing cycle - which means none of you will get charged for it! I'll be taking it off, and will not be drawing comics or taking requests.

I'll hopefully come back in May and have something to show for it! Hopefully things which will be worth staying a patron for. 

Please don't worry - I'm not quitting the webcomic or anything - I just need a lil break to get myself back into the game.

And just in case, as a reminder: 

Please don't feel bad about quitting patronage at any time! Several people have expressed anxiety over quitting Patreon, and I wanted to reassure you that it's 100% fine! We're not locked into a contract - I don't expect anyone to stay on out of loyalty. If you need money elsewhere, PLEASE take care of your own needs first. If you stopped caring for WD!AU, or for Steven Universe - that's cool! I loved having you here, but I'm not going to force you to stay. 

BUT in case you do want to stick around - I'll be back in May!




Some day ill do my fan fics☺☺☺


А я уже начал беспокоится, что какая-то шальная блокировка заблокирует оплату из РФ подписки на Патреоне. Надеюсь, что этот кошмар к концу апреля закончится. А-то возможные дефолт с госпереворотом - так себе подарки на мой день рождения


All good


Have a good vayca Chek!


*Щелчок в голове* Первое апреля же (в центральной России ещё), а где манга с Белым Стивеном?