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Thank you all for being so patient with me while I struggled through this episode. I've been stuck on what to do with it for a bit, but I feel like I enjoy the way it came out. We need some air between the endless screaming of panic, no? 

Anyway, I understand it's frustrating, but I am going to be continuing these at my own pace. I'll always post on Patreon as soon as they're done, but public postings may slow down further for.... various reasons. 

I'll still be posting as much as possible, and of course I'll be working on the monthlies next!

--- Re: current events below this line ---

I know no one comes here for news reels, and many of you seek this as an escape, so I won't push that, but - I just want you to know that if you are in any of the affected areas in the Ukraine or anywhere in Europe nearby, and you need your money elsewhere - please, please take care of yourself first. And if you are ok, please take care of your neighbors. And if your neighbors are safe and you have the ability to do so, please donate to people you know are in need. 

In the meantime, I'll try to do my best from where I am.



Jacob Brown

I love how Steven converses with CG about how she “didn’t” visit Jaspers bubble 🤣 Take your time on your posts, I’m going to be waiting patiently on the story of sweet Steven 💙

Ineffably Liliana

jasper's face of confusion is priceless

username901000 .

I really like the use of sea glass's perspective to tell the story. Very engaging.

username901000 .

I also loved rose comforting amethyst. It was very cute




This. That mother/daughter connection that was implied in the show and confirmed in the cut content is so wonderful to see.


That ending tho lmao


I like episodes or chapters that stop and take stock of the situation. Too often stories are in such a rush to get told and 'here's what you need to know let's go', giving both the reader and the characters time to process is so refreshing, thank you <3


Хм, оригинальный эпизод про башню-передатчик Перидот раскрывал нам про Сугилит и Сардоникс и последующие тёрки Жемчуг и Гранат на этой почве. И что-то мне подсказывает, что если Сардоникс с Сугилит всё-таки явятся на сцену, то по совершенно другой причине, а это закроет всю арку раскрытия Рубин и Сапфир. Прогнозирую два пути: полный отход от этой части сюжета или вход в оригинальное русло сюжета под очень необычным углом. И все исходы мне безумно нравятся. Рад, что вышла глава и с нетерпением жду продолжения, и лелею мысль, что однажды в светлом будущем куплю все томы этого комикса на физическом носителе, ибо эта работа на нём просто обязана выйти


Steven as a decent young father. Garnet teaching Connie to be a general instead of a knight. CG’s believable child dialogue. Jasper’s complete honest confusion instead of just growling questions hatefully at all times. I love this so much. Though what is it Garnet saw her saying? Her predictions are usually only thrown off by Diamond or human confusion. Did Yellow impart some advice or gift her with something like she did Hessonite? Or was Garnet hoping for more throwing off her actual foresight?


Wait. Where’s Earl?

Victoria Goodwin

Loool CG's ellipses were so expressive XD "... ...! ...??" That cracked me up. And it was really really cool seeing everything from her pov! Like, 10/10 fresh-take, super cool story device thingy, like such a cool idea. And I'm betting she's the key to getting more from Jasper...but I really have no idea. Also no idea what the heck's going on with Peridot on the tv??? Hhhh so much intriiiiigue


Amazing as always! And Im glad that I can finally support you on pateron!