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Caleb Elliott

Based Jasper lmao love it.


This sounds so terrible but I really want to know how Jasper would react to finding out that not one but two diamonds reside on Earth. I'm still so curious as to what Homeworld is doing right now without White Diamond there to be running things.

Dylan Singewald

Rose quartz is pink diamond confirmed?!?!


Any gem poofing is just an excuse for Chekhov to play fashion designer, and I'm here for it


Presumably its like the canon Pinkverse where White sat in her ship with no communication since what Blue calls the happy times they spent together in extraction baths (we don’t know how long ago that was, but presumably before Pink started demanding a planet), stewing in her solipsistic mental illness and observing everything while doing nothing because she thought all Gems would be distracted if she felt or thought about something too hard, all while her absence drove Yellow crazy due to her desire for sisterly approval. She could leave Homeworld or vanish forever and nobody would know. Which I’m curious if Steven ever says to her. The artbook revealed she knew Pink was Rose and faked her own death and that Earth was only given to her so she could fail, the Corrupting Light just being punishment that White knew she would survive. I doubt Jasper would care. Pink was the only being who mattered, full stop. Not what Pink thought or wanted, just her as an abstract concept to devote herself to since she resumed a targetless version of her past behavior in Future. She disrespects Yellow and deserts in favor of vengeance and violates Homeworld rules and even her own beliefs by Fusing and trying to use the monsters as an army. Arguably self-preservation mattered somewhat because she stopped trying to attack Steven in the fountain after Yellow shot her a deadly serious look though.


"I'm doing this out of pure spite and fury" is such a raw and... weirdly VALID take that I kind of agree with her determination. You took a character I hated mostly in the original story and turned her into, "Yeah... I might do that...". KUDOS!

Mimi Noelle

I love Jasper’s cape!! And I love the first mention (even indirectly) of Pink Diamond’s death in front of Earl!! I’m so excited!!

username901000 .

I love this drama between the characters and want more.


Getting to see Rose continuously having to face the fallout of her double life is one of my favorite aspects of this comic. Also great Pearl face щ(ಥ益ಥщ)

Victoria Goodwin

UGH i freaking love the way you draw Jasper. Like, her face and eyes and hair, something about it is so,,,80s? Idk, but I love literally every shot of her. (And that high black collar, hhhhh.) I was indifferent to her in the show mostly, but now! O,O Boy, what potential! I'm so dadgum anxious to see if there's hope of her ever coming to our side! I hope so. I didn't watch much of SUF, but I know she never really warmed up (and, yknow, DIED?). :"(


Ёрл вся на нервах, но это потому что она волнуется за судьбу планеты или же она... что-то знает?


If she only knew.. jesus..