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Does this design look familiar? I believe I've posted sketches of it before - it was one of the discarded designs I considered for her back during the start of Season 3. 

Anyway, we're bringing it back now! Just figured I ought to give you guys some stuff before the New Year hits. 

Thanks as always for your support! 

(For those of you caught up on the comic... there's another New Form and character sheet coming.... won't say which one yet for those who may not have read up. But I've just finished it up and it's PRETTY good if I do say so myself.)




you never cease to amaze Chek

Casian Holly

Just stumbled across your comic yesterday and plowed through everything in ~24 hours (despite Xmas and being dyslexic!) Really loving everything you’ve done so far and super excited to see where the story is going!


'Do you like my new Gem form? It has POCKETSSSSSS!!!' XD