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We are SO CLOSE! I promise I won't make you wait much longer.

I'm going to be going on hiatus tumblr/tapas side of things until November starting this week, but comics will continue to post to Patreon because... I'm trying to build up a buffer again. So stay tuned!

Cheers and thanks as always for your support! :D You guys are the reason I can stay home and draw more comics!




The tower in rose's room... inch resting

Ineffably Liliana

rose... 😔 honey why do you have the tower in your room :'(

Julie van der Staak

Oh...... The implications of Rose having that tower.....


The number of times I reread those last few panels to make sure there was no way Rose could possibly misinterpret this as Steven going evil…


I don’t think it’s Rose assuming Steven’s going bad. I think it’s her coming to understand yet lament what she has enabled both Steven and Amethyst to attempt in the next issue. At any point Rose could stop them, but it’s her letting them leave at the end of this comic.


She's locking herself in her own prison because she feels it's her fault, so sad.

charles yve antoine capel

And the worst he has totally reason. In this situation the worst is to know nothing and they have a prisonner who may know but how to make her talk : two answer one of the two Diamond (Rose or White/Steven) make her talk with a direct order or she recognised one of the two or at worse Steven will be in obligation to use his power to control her and make her talk.


Last panel has a typo, "They're been through enough" instead of "They've been through enough" didnt notice anything else bc stuff is going down!!!!! Aaaaaah whats gonna happen next??!


Is that the Quartz that Jasper forced a Fusion with, resulting in her Corruption in the show right next to Rose? Because if so thats a nice detail to increase anxiety in the scene, echoing how things can go terribly wrong.


Honestly, it's sort of like Zero Hour, the way they just snuck through.


OOOF that tower... and I have a feeling we're going to get some revelations soon, and not from Jasper...

username901000 .

The tower, ooh! I hope rose gets some hugs eventually.

Victoria Goodwin

was that the temple's HEART?? was that in the show, or is that all you?? are those VEINS??? and, most importantly...was that one of those fancy dice in the background of amethyst's room lol i love it. Also love how you paced the plan like overlapping the action, that was cool. Steven's staff being a way across the chasm was also cool. Uuuugh it's all so coooooool TToTT


All the stuff in this episode is directly from the show! We see the Crystal Heart several times in the series. :)


Oh my.. THIS IS SO AMAZING. I'm so happy with this comic and I can't wait for the next, thank you chekhov for another masterpiece of a comic!