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Alright, alright, alright, we're GETTIN THERE okay? Gotta take time for a LITTLE bit of character development and reflection before we move into what I know you are all waiting for. I'm trying to pace us. :) 




Ooooh I did not expect an appearance from her


If they can't, then he will, because that's exactly what a Diamond is for


There’s debate on if Pink knew about the Cluster or not, given the Crystal Gems tried to weaponize the Shards to possibly use on the “Armor Of The Fallen” in her Armory like they animated Frybo. I’m guessing based on her expression that either she didn’t know, hadn’t ever actually seen them in-person, had forgotten they existed, or never thought the Crystal Gems would see them.


Respectfully, I don't think it is possible for her to have let that slide. I don't understand why Rose would let that happen when she was so against the idea of shattering gems in the first place that she'd even make a callous decision and bubble Bismuth for suggesting it. Although she did know of the human zoo, which is also a horrible thing, Pearl had stated they couldn't save them, so I see no evidence to support Rose's supposed knowledge on the gem experiments.

charles yve antoine capel

The last word "Then i will" White will return? Or Steven will have a fusion/form who will be like she take the command/possession of his body?


Oh Steven, honey….. what a good update!


Ho-Boy. This is going to get... something.

Victoria Goodwin

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my gosh i loved the thing you did with WD's hands, and i love the tie in at the very end abt diamonds doing what others can't, steven feeling like he has to find a way to fix things himself if the others can't ;;-;;
